
Sadly, many people are struggling with co-occurring disorders of depression and addiction. This dual diagnosis can certainly cause many negative effects on the lives of those who suffer from these disorders. Numerous individuals are in need of addiction and depression treatment here in Orange County.

At Northbound Treatment Services, we help determine the causes of addiction and depression and then help our clients reenter school or the workplace and cope with their depression disorders.

However, in order to truly recover from the addiction, it is important to treat the underlying depression as well, ensuring the person has the emotional tools they need to process those feelings without returning to drugs or alcohol. Our Orange County depression treatment centers has the experienced and trained staff necessary to overcome your addiction and find relief from depression.

What is Depression and How Do I Know if I Have It?

It’s important to note that sadness and negative moods all occur naturally. In other words, most people experience these emotions regularly. Having these emotions doesn’t mean that a person is depressed. 

For example, a person who has recently lost a pet or a loved one may experience grief. An individual may feel sad when a friend moves away. These are certainly not abnormal and they don’t necessarily mean that the individual is suffering from depression.

However, if an individual experiences these symptoms for 2 weeks or longer, he or she may have depression. Of course, though, it is best to get a professional diagnosis. He or she can determine whether or not you or your loved one has depression.

Types of Depression

There are various kinds of depressive disorders. Some of them are as follows:

  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

    Seasonal Affective Disorder is actually classified as Major Depressive Disorder with a seasonal pattern. Affecting people during the winter or colder months. It may cause the feeling of being isolated, spending less time with loved ones and friends. some people also experience excessive sleepiness.

  • Postpartum depression – Often affects women who have recently delivered children. New mothers who have postpartum depression experience intense sadness, anxiety, and fatigue. As a result, they may not be able to properly care for themselves or their infants as they suffer from a lack of motivation.
  • Major Depressive Disorder with Psychotic Features – A combination of psychosis and severe depression. Individuals may experience delusional thinking patterns and hallucinations.

How Depression Affects People

Depression can affect people in very different ways. For example, young adults are in the midst of undergoing a significant amount of social and emotional changes. However, when coupled with depression and substance abuse, this development can be stunted. This can leave a troubled young adult to abandon or sabotage plans for higher education or a career. 

Other individuals who suffer from depression may feel its impact on daily life. For instance, some people struggle to excel at work, focus in school, or manage their finances. Depression can stop people from feeling motivated and take away their sense of excitement or satisfaction.

Sometimes, those who have depression experience financial hardships due to their struggles at work and with money management. Others may struggle to maintain healthy and flourishing relationships. They may drift apart from their family members. Or, they may struggle to connect with significant others. Work and social relationships might also fail. 

Depression can keep individuals from feeling engaged. It can also cause people to misunderstand their depressed friends and family members. Some individuals may start to believe that their loved ones are simply losing interest in them or purposely avoiding them. They may not realize that their family member or friend is actually struggling with depression. This misunderstanding could also cause separation and isolation in the lives of those who are suffering from this disorder.

As a result of feeling isolated, those who have a depressive disorder may become more socially withdrawn. They may begin to spend more time alone. This can eventually worsen the symptoms and effects of depression.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Depression?

The National Institute of Mental Health has identified some symptoms of the different types of depression. These include:

  • Struggles with concentrating, recalling details, and decision making
  • Exhaustion and diminished energy
  • Feeling guilty, worthless, and/or helpless
  • Feelings of desperation and/or negativity
  • Sleeplessness, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleep
  • Edginess, irritability, or restlessness
  • Reduced interest in previously pleasurable activities or hobbies, including sex
  • Overeating or loss of appetite
  • Ongoing cramps, aches, and pains, or digestive problems that persist even with treatment
  • Feelings of sadness, anxiety or emptiness that won’t go away
  • Contemplating or attempting suicide

The Prevalence of Major Depressive Disorder in the U.S.

northbound treatment

According to the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), millions of people suffered from depression that year. In fact, about 17.3 million adults (18 years or older) experienced at least one episode of major depression in 2017. This equates to about 7.1% of the adult population in the United States at the time.

Of the individuals who suffered from depressive episodes in the U.S., the majority were females. Also, most of those who were dealing with depression were between the ages of 18 and 25. Needless to say, many young Americans are still struggling with the effects of major depression.

Depression in Orange County, California

Orange County hospitalizations for major depression among children and young adults increased by 99% between 2007 and 2016. The number of depression-related hospitalizations decreased by 45% among older adults during the same time period. 

According to the California Health Care Almanac,1 in 8 teens between 2014 and 2015 reported that they had suffered from depression in the state. Between 2011 and 2015, about 6% of the adults in California experienced symptoms of major depression every year. 

A 2017 survey from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services reported on depression among younger individuals. About 32% of the teens in 9th-12th grades reported having experienced symptoms of depression for 2 weeks or more.

The same survey found that about 13% of Californian adolescents between 12 and 17 years old had at least 1 major depressive episode in the past year. 

When Depression and Addiction Co-Occur

Clearly, depression impacts people of all ages and from all walks of life. But, sometimes, major depressive disorder doesn’t come alone. In some cases, affects people who are also suffering from a substance use disorder. 

When a person suffers from more than one disorder, he or she has co-occurring disorders. This means that the individual has a dual diagnosis (or a diagnosis of multiple disorders). 

There are several possible reasons why a person may suffer from depression and addiction simultaneously. For one, some individuals may use alcohol or drugs to cope with the symptoms of their mental illness. As a result, they could develop a dependence on these substances. This can ultimately lead to addiction.

On the other hand, some individuals may become depressed after dealing with a substance abuse problem for a while. In either case, however, individuals who are suffering from depression and addiction should seek professional help as soon as possible.

If you’re looking for depression treatment in Orange County, California, there is hope. Northbound Treatment Services offers a dual diagnosis program to help people who are struggling with co-occurring disorders.

Northbound’s Approach to Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Here at Northbound Treatment Services, we strive to help those who are suffering from substance abuse and depression.

Depression treatments and chemical dependency treatments look to normalize and regulate feelings and responses to life. Clients can learn how to effectively work, study and maintain sober relationships.

At Northbound, we couple a multi-faceted approach of individual, group, and experiential therapies with cognitive-behavioral theory. This helps our clients learn to cope with the symptoms of depression without using alcohol or drugs.

In many cases, depression is a symptom of substance abuse. So, through abstinence and the 12-steps, those depressive feelings and behaviors fade as sobriety grows. In other cases, long-term management of depression requires medication and a commitment to therapy.

Either way, our depression treatment programs provide our clients with a new sense of self and a positive path towards sobriety and a new life.

Medication for Depression

Contrary to popular belief, medications do not “cure” depression. However, medication is often part of depression treatment and management. And because depression is a chronic condition, switching or adding medications often helps a client who is not responding well or who has developed distressing side effects.

At Northbound, our philosophy includes limiting the use of medication except for when it’s necessary for effective treatment. So, we work with psychiatric referrals to communicate and ensure the efficacy of all medications.

The medications for the various types of depression can take some time before they start working. So, stabilization in an abstinence-based program like ours here at Northbound is vital for individuals who are suffering from both addiction and depression. This is also the stage of recovery where the client and family – if they have not already done so – familiarize themselves with all aspects of the illness.

During stabilization, the staff works to educate families on the symptoms and treatment of their loved one’s disease and encourages them to learn as much about the illness as possible.

Therapy for Depression – Real Relief through the 12-Steps

For many victims of addiction and depression, the best solution lies in a combination of the 12-steps and therapy. The goal at Northbound is to taper off the use of medications as soon as it is clinically responsible to do so. We strive to focus more energy on holistic treatment methods. Therapy helps to encourage our clients to look at themselves and their history, and their beliefs in relation to their actions. Through therapy, clients can learn to properly address the areas where they have failed or fallen short. This process is spiritual in nature and can help correct cognitive distortions and increase self-esteem.

Treatment at Northbound Treatment Services includes a number of esteem-building activities. These activities range from physical fitness to life skills, relaxation techniques, and experiential therapies. This daily routine is important for developing the personal growth people need in order to overcome addiction. In addition, we try to spend as much time as possible in outdoor activities. There is ample evidence to support the effectiveness of exercise, fresh air, and sunlight in relieving depression.

Other types of therapy that we use here at our facility include the following approaches:

Offering Hope to Those Suffering From Depression

There are many reasons why Northbound Treatment Services is located in Orange County, CA, but one of the most important is the good weather and nearby ocean. Newport Beach is a great place for healing and enjoying spiritual experiences. From surfing to hiking, the area offers a wide range of outdoor activities for those in recovery. This allows us to improve our clients’ sense of relaxation and mental well-being.

Our experience has shown that exercising and eating properly play huge roles in how our clients are able to cope with depression. What’s more, the life skills that they develop at Northbound will help them stay sober and avoid depression long after they leave our structured care. Learning more about self-care can encourage people to stay on track after treatment is over. 

At Northbound, our goal is not to ignore the presence and reality of depression. We understand that this mental illness exists and we are aware of the way it impacts those who suffer from it. Individuals who have the major depressive disorder can find hope and help here at our Orange County depression treatment centers. Through our dual diagnosis treatment program, we offer resources and services that address addiction as well as mental health.

We truly believe that all of our clients deserve the opportunity to live addiction-free lives. So, we do everything in our power to make sure that each individual has the resources they need in order to do so.

Addiction and Depression Treatment in Orange County

Recovering from addiction and depression is a difficult process. But it’s one that can bring with it hope and a new outlook on life. If you or your loved one needs help with addiction and depression, contact us here at Northbound Treatment Services. Our treatment center offers support for those suffering from Orange County depression treatment centers. We are here to help you find the freedom you truly deserve to experience.

Call us today at (866) 511-2458 or contact us here. Take the first step towards living sober. Allow our compassionate team to help guide you to freedom from addiction and depression. 






Regardless of your situation, we will help you in finding your own personalized treatment solutions – whether that’s our program or another – at no cost or obligation to you. Get started and change your life with the simple click of a button.

We are unable at this time to accept Medicare or Medicaid plans. We do offer affordable self-pay and financing options, so reach out and get started on your journey to lasting recovery.