Developing a More Positive Outlook in Recovery

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Attitude and perspective are essential in life. You can wallow in the negatives, or you can choose to see the bright side. In addiction recovery, this is especially true. There are plenty of things you can be mad or sad about, but that does not help you to move forward and thrive. Instead of focusing on all of the things you think you cannot do, focus on all of things you can do.

Having a perspective of positivity can keep you motivated and engaged in your recovery. As you achieve small successes, it builds your confidence and self-esteem. You begin to realize that what you thought was out of your reach or beyond your control, really is attainable. You can further your education. You can secure a stable job. You can have fun with your friends in the absence of alcohol and drugs.

Taking Steps to Turn your Thinking Around

There are plenty of ways that you can embrace a more positive outlook and live your life to the fullest. Strive to find your sense of purpose and give meaning to what you do each day:

  • Keep a gratitude journal: Write down the things you are thankful for or good things that happen. When you feel down, go back and read what you wrote to boost your mood.
  • Volunteer in your community: Giving back to others can make you more appreciative of what you have and can make you feel good about helping someone in need. Even the smallest efforts can make a big difference.
  • Spend time with positive people: Focus on being around people who naturally have a sunny disposition and make you laugh. When you go through a rough patch, they can help you look at it from a different perspective.
  • Take care of yourself: Make sure you are eating right, exercising and getting plenty of sleep. When your body is healthier and you feel good, it can enhance your mood and outlook on life. Also, stay engaged in activities that you enjoy and that challenge you to want to improve your skills.

Turn your life around for the better with support from Northbound. We provide a full continuum of care that can help you make the most of your future and develop a positive perspective that drives your recovery forward. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help!

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Written by: Ryan Snodgrass, LMFT, LPCC

— Reviewed by: Paul Alexander, CEO

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