How to Commit Someone to Treatment Against Their Will

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Addiction is never an easy issue to handle, and it can get much worse when you have to witness a loved one suffer as a result. It is likely that you have tried a number of different things to help your addicted loved one, from stopping any and all support to holding a surprise intervention. If nothing has worked, it is understandable that you are at the end of your rope. You might begin thinking of how to commit someone to treatment against their will, as it is one of your last-ditch efforts to provide your loved one with the help he or she needs. However, you need to learn about how to commit someone to rehab against their will, as there can be a number of roadblocks that can prevent you from doing so.

Does My Loved One Need Help?

Perhaps the thought of trying to learn how to involuntarily commit someone to drug rehab has made you wonder if you really need to go through with it. Perhaps you’re having doubts about your concerns. And maybe you’re starting to wonder if your friend or family member truly needs help.

Your loved one may have gone through treatment in the past but experienced a relapse. Or, maybe some of his or her actions have caused you to believe that the individual is beginning to change and no longer needs to go to treatment. 

It’s natural to feel nervous when there is a possible problem in the life of someone you love. It can be difficult to truly come to grips with the fact that someone you care about is dealing with a very serious problem and needs your help in order to stop the issue from getting worse. But, if you’re having doubts about whether or not your loved one is, in fact, struggling with an alcohol or drug addiction, it may be helpful to look out for signs indicating the presence of a substance use disorder. 

If your loved one is still dealing with addiction, he or she might:

  • Be less motivated at work or school.
  • Spend time with people who drink or use drugs.
  • Avoid conversations about alcohol or drug use.
  • Become secretive about his or her whereabouts.
  • Begin stealing money or prescriptions from others.
  • Have abnormal sleep patterns (sleep too much or too little).
  • Distance himself or herself from close friends or family members.
  • Become defensive if you ask any questions related to substance use.

If you do see any of these signs in the life of your friend or family member, he or she is likely dealing with a serious addiction problem. So, it’s important for you to help them become free from substance abuse in any way you can. Learning how to involuntarily commit someone to drug rehab just may be the best place to start.

How To Commit Someone to Treatment Against Their Will

You are likely going to run into some dead ends as you begin learning how to commit someone to treatment against their will. Some of the most common issues you will likely face include:

  • Age restrictions – If your loved one is 18 years or older, most states will not allow you to commit someone to treatment against their will primarily because it violates civil rights.
  • Lack of resources – Committing someone to treatment against their will can become even more complicated because there are not as many resources readily available to help an individual who is involuntarily committed.

Despite restrictions on age as well as limited resources, there are a few things that can provide you with promise as you work to figure out how to get someone committed to rehab against their will. One thing you can do is enforce treatment.

When you are deciding on how to get someone committed to rehab against their will, you can consider his or her age. If the person is under 18 years of age, you can bring the individual to a treatment facility to be committed.

The Baker Act

Another thing you can do if you have noticed that a loved one is involved in life-threatening drug or alcohol use is to consider baker acting the individual. The Baker Act is defined as providing individuals with emergency services and temporary detention for mental health evaluation and treatment when required, either on a voluntary or involuntary basis.

This means that you can commit someone to treatment against their will if you reference the Baker Act, as your loved one is displaying symptoms that may indicate that he or she is mentally ill due to their substance abuse. This can only happen, however, if the loved one is unable to decide if this type of treatment is right for them.

The Baker Act enables the authorities (a judge, for instance) to order the addicted individual to be committed to a mental health treatment center to get professional help and supervision if the individual seems to be a threat to others or even to him- or herself. If your loved one shows no interest in getting help for addiction, it may be best to consider applying the Baker Act in this situation. After all, it may be the only chance you have of getting your friend or family member the help he or she needs.

Need to Learn More About Committing Someone to Treatment?

Addiction is very serious. It poses a major threat to those who suffer from it. But it also hurts those who are close to the individuals who are addicted to drugs and alcohol. If you know someone who is suffering from a substance use problem, you have probably felt helpless or hopeless at some point. No doubt, you have struggled as you watched the person you love change as a result of addiction.

Figuring out how to get someone committed to rehab against their will can be very difficult; however, there are definitely silver linings. These include the Baker Act as well as being able to commit someone if they are underage. If you are struggling with deciding on how to commit someone to rehab against their will, you can contact your loved one’s doctor, therapist or even the state to learn more about your options. 

If you’d like more information about substance abuse treatment, you can contact us here at Northbound Treatment Services. Just call (855) 858-6803 today.

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Written by: Ryan Snodgrass, LMFT, LPCC

— Reviewed by: Paul Alexander, CEO

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