Category: Addiction and the Brain

The addiction and the brain blog category for Northbound Treatment discuss addiction effects. Here, we offer a wide variety of insightful information regarding all facets of addiction.

Addiction exerts a long and powerful influence on the brain that manifests in many ways. One is the craving for the object of addiction. Two is the loss of control over its use. And last is continuing involvement with it despite adverse consequences.

This category will discuss many different types of addictions and how the human brain responds to different substances. However, the addiction and the brain category is not only limited to this information. It may also contain information that spans slightly outside the brain, for example, the body.

Addiction to substances affects the body as a whole and therefore, at Northbound Treatment we work to understand all facets of addiction. You can you the material found here as a valuable resource. We strive to place high-quality content that is easily applicable to anyone dealing with addiction,

The Northbound Treatment addiction and the brain blog will often contain a blend of many different viewpoints. Therefore, it is not recommended to be used as professional medical advice. If you believe that you or someone you love is suffering from substance abuse or mental illness, you should speak with your doctor.  However, if you do not have a doctor, we can help offer you recommendations based on your own personal situation. Please give us a call at (866) 511-2458 to discuss your options. 

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