How to Practice Self-Care Wherever You Are

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77 percent of people surveyed experience physical symptoms due to stress. Meanwhile, 73 percent experience psychological symptoms caused by stress.

Neglecting to take care of yourself can cause low energy, headaches, insomnia, nausea, a weakened immune system, and so much more. It can also cause first-time addictions or relapses.

With a little self-care, however, you can keep your stress and anxiety under control. 

Here’s how to practice self-care wherever you are. That way, you can relax and recharge any time and anywhere you need it!

1. Satisfying Sleep

It’s time to power down—literally!

Set all of your devices aside two hours before bedtime. Instead of checking Instagram, unwind. Read a book, apply lotion to your skin, or meditate. 

You can also use this time to set yourself up for future success. Prep tomorrow’s meals, wash the dishes, or choose your outfit for the day. 

These activities will help relax you before bedtime. Make sure to get into bed at a reasonable hour.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need approximately seven to nine hours of sleep. With the proper amount of sleep, you’ll have the energy to take on the day.

Your body will thank you for it! 

2. Amp up Your Exercise

Physical activity isn’t just great for our bodies. It benefits our minds as well!

Try to take at least 30 minutes a day for physical activity. As a result, you can reduce anxiety, look good, and feel good too.

Discovering how to practice self-care is also a great opportunity for new experiences. Try a new cardio class at the gym, challenge yourself with a new workout, or try yoga!

With daily exercise as part of your self-care routine, you can improve mentally and physically. Boost your mood, lose weight, and shove that stress aside.

Exercise can also benefit those suffering from mental illness and addiction. Working out is a great way to feel a natural high.

So grab those tennis shoes and start jogging towards optimal self-care!

3. Healthy Eating Habits

Our bodies react to the different foods we eat each day. Instead of reaching for those sugary snacks, go for an apple instead!

In addition to developing healthy eating habits, you should also stay hydrated. Try to drink half of your weight in ounces each day.

To avoid unhealthy choices, plan your meals for the week. This will give you more control of your life as well. 

4. Me Time

Sometimes, we just have to say no. Instead of taking on more than you can handle, say no and choose a self-care night instead. 

Use your “me time” to practice self-care with activities that make you feel relaxed and happy. This can include a mini dance party to give your body a healthy serotonin boost. Turn up the volume and dance like no one’s watching!

If you want a calmer choice, try meditation. You can also plan an at-home spa day and pamper yourself instead.

Block out some designated me time and take care of yourself. 

5. Unplug

We spend a lot of time attached to our phones. Instead, why not disconnect for a while?

If you have trouble turning your phone and other devices off, walk away from it. Head outside or keep yourself busy with a good book. 

When you disconnect from technology and social media distractions, you can give yourself the self-care you need and deserve. 

6. Get on Gut Health

Take your healthy eating a step further by prioritizing your gut health. There’s actually a connection between our brains and guts. That means that an unhappy gut could increase anxiety, and vice versa. 

Add fermented foods, high-fiber foods, and a probiotic. As a result, your happy gut will help reduce your anxiety.

7. Go Outside

Step into the sunshine! A little vitamin D will help lower your blood pressure and reduce stress.

Go for a walk or pick up gardening. Spending a little time outside can also help overcome fatigue and depression. It even improves sleep! 

8. Get Organized

Rushed, last-minute decisions can increase our stress and anxiety. Instead of leaving everything to the last minute, get organized.

To start, set timers and reminders on your phone. You can also use your calendar app to clean up your schedule. 

Organize your budget as well. That way, you don’t have the stress of debt looming overhead. 

We mentioned setting yourself up for success earlier. Make a to-do list of everything you need to complete and when. That way, you can stay organized and stay ahead of your stress. 

9. Write It Out

If writing out a to-do list helped reel in your stress, take that self-care tip to the next level. 

Practice self-care by writing in a journal every day. If writing isn’t your thing, you can sketch or use bullet points.

Either way, writing helps us process our thoughts. It’s also a great strategy for releasing self-doubt and anxieties onto the page. 

Try writing five things you’re looking forward to in the morning. When the day is done, write five things you’re grateful for before bed.

This is a great way to put things into perspective. Instead of focusing on your stress, focus on the good vibes that made your day!

10. Schedule Time

Now that you have these nine how to practice self-care tips, bring them all together. Schedule time for your self-care as often as you need.

That way, it will become a regular practice. The more often you practice self-care, the easier it becomes to push the anxiety aside and focus on the good. 

So book that me time onto your calendar!

How to Practice Self-Care: 10 Tips to Renewed Relaxation

Now that you know how to practice self-care, get going! Try these 10 tips out for yourself.

Then take a breath, relax, and get on with those good vibes!

Sometimes we need a little help. Discover the first steps towards a healthier lifestyle today.

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Written by: Ryan Snodgrass, LMFT, LPCC

— Reviewed by: Paul Alexander, CEO

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