Heroin is often referred to as one of the most (if not the most) addictive substances in the world. No only does the abuse of heroin create extreme psychological dependency, but it also creates a physical dependency that can produce severe withdrawal symptoms when use is stopped cold turkey. These symptoms can be so severe in fact that they can be deadly, making coming off of heroin addiction extremely tricky and risky. However, one of the most popular forms of treatment offered at treatment centers in Los Angeles for heroin addiction includes the use of Suboxone.
How Does Suboxone Help People at Treatment Centers in Los Angeles for Heroin Addiction?
Suboxone is a narcotic medication that is only used to treat those struggling with extreme opioid dependency issues. It is a medication most commonly utilized in rehab settings such as treatment centers in Los Angeles for heroin addiction. When used, Suboxone can help heroin addicts obtain their sobriety at treatment centers in Los Angeles for heroin addiction in the following ways:
- Eases withdrawal – When Suboxone is used, it attaches itself to the opioid receptors in the brain that normally are triggered when heroin is abused. Instead of producing the same effects as heroin, Suboxone helps reduce the power of withdrawal symptoms as it connects to these receptors. Therefore, recovering users do not spend as much time suffering from withdrawals in treatment centers in Los Angeles for heroin addiction.
- Increases focus on therapy – With the use of Suboxone, a user staying at treatment centers in Los Angeles for heroin addiction is able to get involved in his or her therapy not only at a faster pace, but also in a way that allows them to be more focused. Rather than being preoccupied with withdrawal symptoms, Suboxone offered at treatment centers in Los Angles for heroin addiction allows recovering individuals to put all of their focus on their therapeutic needs.
- Helps restore mental/physical balance – Since heroin addiction deeply impacts both an individual’s body and mind, coming off of it entirely is incredibly beneficial. With the help of suboxone offered at treatment centers in Los Angeles for heroin addiction, recovering users can begin cleansing their systems in ways that encourage them to regain positive physical and psychological health.
Suboxone is often incredibly beneficial at treatment centers in Los Angeles for heroin addiction, as it helps heroin users ease their withdrawals, increase their focus on their therapy and help restore the mental and physical balance needed to be healthy.
Additional Forms of Care at Treatment Centers in Los Angeles for Heroin Addiction
In addition to Suboxone that is offered at treatment centers in Los Angeles for heroin addiction, other forms of heroin treatment include additional medications, extreme detox services (i.e. The Waismann Method), and intense psychotherapy to help establish skills to prevent relapse. Each one of these forms of treatment can be incredibly beneficial for a recovering heroin user, as they can help them establish a safe and healthy life of sobriety.