The Importance of Transparency in Addiction Recovery

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Although many people are more aware and accepting of addiction recovery, there are still those who fall victim to the stigmas and misconceptions about addiction that exist. This can make you feel more hesitant to be transparent and share your story. Telling others, what you have gone through and how you have changed can leave you feeling vulnerable and open. However, it is this same transparency and vulnerability that can support you in healing.

You do not necessarily have to shout your story to the world, but disclosing your addiction recovery to a close friend or two can hold you more accountable. You are no longer alone and there are people you can turn to when you are having a tough time or want to celebrate achieving a goal you set for yourself. These people can provide support and encouragement and remind you of why you are working so hard and turning your life around.

Other Benefits of Transparency

Accountability and support are just two benefits of sharing your story. There are others as well:

  • It provides an outlet for you to be open and honest about your thoughts and feelings. Confiding in someone else means you do not have to keep everything bottled up inside.
  • Your story may inspire someone else to get the help they need. Hearing about your experience can give them the strength to confront their addiction or help someone else to.
  • Opening up can give you more confidence in your recovery and help you to see how far you have come.
  • It can build stronger connections and help you not feel alone in your journey. Building a recovery community is important and takes time. Opening up to even just one person starts this process.

Do not be afraid to talk about your addiction recovery because it has helped to shape you into who you are today. You may not feel comfortable disclosing such personal information right away, but give yourself time and find someone you trust. Joining a support group can help as well. Northbound has a strong alumni association where those who have been through addiction recovery can stay connected and share their experiences, and a robust aftercare program to help clients establish support.

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Written by: Ryan Snodgrass, LMFT, LPCC

— Reviewed by: Paul Alexander, CEO

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