Treating Heroin Addiction – Still a Challenge?

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Counseling for Heroin Abuse

The world has been watching (and participating in) the rise of the prescription drug epidemic. Just after the 2014 death of acclaimed actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, it seems as though our attention shifted toward the growing heroin epidemic.

Both the prescription and heroin epidemics have played into one another, as most prescription drug addicts have turned to the use of heroin because the illicit drug is less expensive and produces the same effects as some prescription pills, such as various types of painkillers.

So many individuals have found themselves struggling with dependence on drugs such as heroin and other powerful substances. The need for treatment is becoming more and more evident.

Heroin Addiction Throughout the U.S.

In all corners of the United States, including the smallest towns in the smallest states, people are witnessing a rise in heroin addiction. Sadly, hundreds of thousands of individuals in the U.S. have fallen prey to the dangerous use of heroin. Far too many families have been affected by this drug and, unfortunately, many families and individuals are still feeling the impact of heroin addiction.

Heroin use and addiction problems have been spotted all over the States. But, some of the U.S. cities which have reported the most heroin use and abuse include the following:

  • Witchita, Kansas
  • Omaha, Nebraska
  • Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • Columbus, Ohio
  • Nashville, Tennessee
  • Kansas City, Missouri
  • Indianapolis, Indiana

In Kansas City alone, there were nearly 15,000 reported cases of heroin abuse. So, needless to say, heroin dependence and addiction have made their presence known in the lives of countless families across the country.

As a result, more people than ever before are heading for the doors of the closest rehab facilities but are often turned away or put on a waiting list until a spot becomes available. This has been one of the biggest challenges for heroin addicts and their families, and they are set to face even more.

The Challenges of Treating Heroin Abuse

One of the most upsetting challenges that come with treating heroin addiction comes from the fact that people are simply still tied to a negative stigma associated with the drug and those who use it. While many people have become educated on addiction, there are a lot of individuals who still look at heroin addiction as a “choice” as opposed to a disease.

In many cases, this stigma has decreased the interest in producing new and effective ways to treat heroin addiction. As a result, there is still a lot left to uncover in regards to new science that can be beneficial in providing groundbreaking treatment options.

In addition, there are not as many “standard” forms of treatment for heroin addiction as there are for other addictions and diseases. This leaves a huge gap in terms of care for those who need help – and a standard to rely on when attempting to receive it.

All the fingers cannot be pointed at stigmas or lack of treatment, as there are still plenty of heroin addicts who are not seeking treatment – and maybe never will. According to NAADAC, only 10% of Americans who abuse heroin and/or prescription pills reach out for professional care. While it’s true that there are more and more people who are knocking on the doors of rehab facilities, that doesn’t mean that the majority of users are looking to get help.

Addressing Concerns: Why Do Some People Refuse Treatment?

Sometimes, people who are suffering from heroin abuse may seem apprehensive about or may even refuse treatment. This often leaves their loved ones in a state of helplessness and deep concern for their addicted family member or friend. Many times, people simply can’t understand why those who have addictions would ever turn down help. Families and friends of those who are dealing with heroin abuse may struggle to see why this happens.

Of course, the reasons behind people’s refusals to get professional help through treatment will vary from case to case. But, there are a few general reasons that are worth mentioning and noting.

For some individuals, the fear of not being about to afford treatment may be one of the biggest hinderances. Being unable to pay for residential or outpatient treatment is something that many people fear they won’t be able to do. This often leaves people in fear of reaching out for help.

In other cases, people may be afraid of failing in treatment. Many individuals are concerned that they won’t be able to become truly free from addiction and worry that they may relapse in the future. This might cause people to decide against getting treatment.

There are also situations in which people opt not to get treatment because they are afraid of success. Often, people who are suffering from addiction experience fears and uncertainties regarding life after treatment. They wonder if they’ll be able to manage in their day-to-day lives. Sometimes, they’re afraid of what life will be like without substance use.

Sadly, all of these concerns can prevent people from making the choice to get help in overcoming addiction. But, if you have been struggling with heroin abuse and you’ve worried about one or more of these things, know that you are not alone. Also, know that you will have all the support and help you need here at Northbound Treatment Services!

Finding Hope Through Treatment at Northbound

Even though there are still many challenges facing heroin addicts who wish to obtain treatment, there are many options for care at this time. For example, some of the most common treatments for heroin addiction include medically-assisted detoxification, residential treatment, recreational therapy, and psychotherapeutic options. However, as this epidemic continues to grow, it can be greatly beneficial if more options are created for those hoping to get a second chance at a sober life.

Still, despite the fact that many treatment facilities offer little to no help for those who are struggling with heroin addictions, we here at Northbound Treatment Services are dedicated to helping our clients find the freedom and hope they so desperately need and deserve.

If you’ve been struggling with heroin abuse and addiction, there is no reason to feel ashamed or helpless. We are here to help you begin living a life that is free from addiction. All you need to do is contact us by calling (866) 511-2458. Our professional staff will be more than happy and willing to help you find the answers you’re looking for. 

You can end your struggle with addiction today. And, the best part is that you don’t have to do it alone; the team here at Northbound Treatment Services is ready to walk with you on your road to recovery! 


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Written by: Ryan Snodgrass, LMFT, LPCC

— Reviewed by: Paul Alexander, CEO

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