180 House – Residential Detoxification
The 180 House is Northbound’s residential detox & observation home located in beautiful Costa Mesa, California. Here clients detoxing off all forms of substances can do so successfully in a safe, comfortable environment with 24-hour nursing supervision. At 180 clients receive daily psychiatric & psychological support, while also being able to enjoy the nutritional services of our in house chef during this important treatment process.

Virginia House – Men’s Residential Living
The Virginia House is a men’s residential living and one of our newest residences here at Northbound, located in the vibrant recovery community of Costa Mesa, California. The Virginia house provides a comfortable, homelike setting which allows for a positive therapeutic atmosphere for our Men’s CORE clients.

Christian Rehab Centers
The LINKS House is a Christian faith-based modality within the Northbound Men’s CORE programs. Here clients who wish to explore the spiritual side of recovery within a 12 step & faith-based program have the opportunity to do so.
