Understanding insurance is difficult. It seems as though insurance is constantly changing, and it can be difficult to keep up. If you are struggling with a substance use disorder, then you have come to the right place. Money is stressful, and we at Northbound Treatment want your recovery process to be as smooth as possible. That is why we have made a whole page, as well as provide you with a whole insurance team, to understand your policy.
Insurance for Drug and Alcohol Treatment
ComPsych is the world’s largest provider of employee assistance programs. They are a massive insurance organization, and provide aid to over 50,000 organization, and over 100 million individuals. Their work spans across continents and countries, so you can trust that you’re in good hands. In regard to substance use, the first stage in recovery is a medical detox. ComPsych is particularly helpful in this regard, let’s find out why.
Helping You Navigate Your Policy
Many insurance organizations have varying insurance from state to state, locations changing leads to insurance changing. While this is still true in part for ComPsych (more on that later), as long as you are in-network 80% of your medical detox will be covered. In fact, depending on the treatment; either 80% or 60% of your treatment will be covered. We will go into more detail on this later. First, it is imperative to understand that ComPsych’s philosophy is primarily about the workplace and is designed to return people to the workforce. This is positive because it means ComPsych is willing to help you back on your feet. It also holds counseling very high.
Addiction Prevention Tools with Your Policy
One of ComPsych’s best addiction prevention tools is their emphasis on counseling. Going to counseling is a requirement. These five sessions that you are required to attend help your counselor to understand what you, the individual, need. As a result, ComPsych will create your policy for you, and suit treatment to your specific needs. Along with this, the emphasis on counseling is very helpful.
Policy Coverage for Substance Abuse with Your Policy
ComPsych determines policies on a case by case basis. This case will be determined by your specific counseling sessions. It is here that the treatment facilities, coverages, and other needs will be assessed and addressed.
How Policies Work for Treatment Centers
You may feel as though you are entitled to a luxury treatment center. Many individuals, due to the media or commercial industry, feel like the exclusive luxury rehab experience is due to them. ComPsych does not cover any of these luxury treatment facilities, instead the facilities you are assigned will be helpful, skilled, and efficient.
ComPsych is about efficiency, and getting your specific needs tailored. Therefore, they have tons of plans which your needs are specified to. You will be shifted into the policy or program that is deemed most helpful. Along with this, you have access to the Members Assistance Program (MAP). You should utilize this program in order to properly utilize your policy.
Does it Need to be In Network?
It does not need to be in network, however you should be aware that going out of network will cause prices to rise dramatically, leading you to pay 40%, instead of 20. Instead, take advantage of ComPsych’s insurance program. However, like all other parts of ComPsych; it must be approved by your counselor beforehand.
About Coverage for Detoxification
As previously stated, as long as it is an inpatient, in network detox facility; 80% of treatment will be covered. This is an incredible benefit. While you are still paying a small portion of the costs, the consistency that ComPsych provides is extremely helpful for making the comprehensibility of their program easier.
Costs and Services at Inpatient
ComPsych covers inpatient similarly to how it covers detox and out-patient. ComPsych will cover 80% of inpatient costs if it is in-network, and 60% if it is out of network. The same goes for outpatient services. Here is a breakdown of what ComPsych provides:
- ER visit- 80% paid by plan in/out of network
- ER copay- $250 per ER visit
- Hospitalization (inpatient and residential)- 80% coverage in network, 60% coverage out of network
- Outpatient-80% coverage for in-network, 60% for out of network
- Group/Custodial homes-no coverage.
ComPsych does not have a maximum amount of time on outpatient treatments, but it has a 180-day cap on inpatient treatment.
Coverage for Mental Health Treatment
Mental health is also a topic that needs to be discussed involving insurance. Mental illness on its own is debilitating enough. However, when an addiction co-occurs with a mental illness it becomes a co-occurring disorder. We want you to get your whole self, mind, and body, treated. It can be challenging, but it is best to know which options are available, and what is able to be treated with your ComPsych insurance policy. Some of the following are examples of mental illness.
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Bipolar Disorder
- Eating Disorders
ComPsych also believes intently in behavioral therapy. This is why they have so much emphasis on counseling. You can count on ComPsych to care about your mental health needs, as well as your addiction treatment.
Helping You Understand Your Benefits
We know that it can be confusing being a ComPsych insurance holder, however that is why we want you to know that there are many benefits in partnering with Northbound treatment and ComPsych. We promise to thoroughly review your ComPsych treatment plan and determine what substance abuse treatment is covered. We will also determine what methods of treatment are covered, and while ComPsych covers many treatment facilities; we will show you which ones are covered.
The Northbound Addiction Treatment Services Promise
We won’t recommend a drug and alcohol rehab facility unless it meets or exceeds our own standards of what comprises an effective, comprehensive and client-centered program. At Northbound Addiction Treatment Services, we’ve been in your shoes and understand what you’re going through. Sometimes what you think you need for your recovery isn’t necessarily what’s going to work best
Getting Help
The fact that you’re here, is an incredible first step. We at Northbound Treatment want you to congratulate you on taking the first step in your recovery journey. Clearly, insurance is tricky, but that is why we at Northbound want to provide you with as little stress as possible. The next step is to reach out to us. We want to hear from you and help you get back on your feet. Contact us today and take back your future. Get help today.