Does ILWU Cover Alcohol and Drug Rehab?
When someone reaches the point in their addiction journey that they are ready to get help, having a difficult time finding a treatment program that your insurance provider will cover can be a significant barrier.
ILWU provides healthcare benefits to West Coast longshore workers, their dependents, and survivors. This includes retired longshore workers. ILWU applies to those working as ship clerks, walking bosses, foremen, and watchmen with Welfare Plan eligibility.
ILWU has been active in trying to help its members who are struggling with alcohol and drug use. Their chemical dependency program is referred to as the Alcoholism/Drug Recovery Program (ADRP).
If you are a longshore worker with ILWU insurance, you will be relieved to learn that their policy will cover drug treatment. The coverage that they provide will be dependent on your specific needs. However, they will cover Southern California detoxification, inpatient treatment, and outpatient treatment if appropriate. ILWU does require that you use one of their approved facilities for your treatment.
Under the Alcoholism/Drug Recovery Program, you are eligible for Orange County addiction treatment, regardless of which plan you are currently enrolled in. ILWU has taken an active role in encouraging longshore workers to get the help needed when they are struggling with an addiction.
Northbound is an ILWU drug rehab with several locations in Southern California. We provide a variety of addiction treatment programs, including detox, inpatient rehab, partial hospitalization program, intensive outpatient program, and family therapy. Call (866)568-2722 to speak with a representative today.
How to Find the Right Rehab Center That Accepts ILWU Insurance
Longshore workers who have ILWU insurance can contact their local program representatives. It is essential to understand that your ILWU representatives will keep your information confidential when you are enrolled in the Alcoholism/Drug Recovery Program.
Northbound is an Orange County alcohol rehab that accepts ILWU. We provide inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment. We invite you to call (866)568-2722 to speak with a representative today.
What Treatment at Drug Rehabs Does ILWU Cover?
If you are a longshoreman with ILWU insurance, you are eligible for detoxification, inpatient, and outpatient treatment. Your coverage would depend on your specific treatment needs recommended by a medical professional. It is important to note that you would need to attend an ILWU-approved treatment facility to receive coverage for your treatment.
Detoxification is a program commonly offered at inpatient treatment programs that are designed to give your body time to adjust to the changes that occur when you stop using drugs and alcohol. Withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, insomnia, and muscle pains are common. Detox programs provide you with medical supervision around the clock, which allows for consistent monitoring for health concerns that can arise during this time period.
Inpatient treatment programs can vary in length from 1 to 3 months, depending on your treatment needs. In addiction inpatient rehab programs, you will engage in group therapy, individual therapy, alternative therapies, and educational groups. Many inpatient programs encourage participation in 12-step groups. If you struggle with other mental health concerns, you would be encouraged to receive treatment for that as well.
Outpatient treatment programs can look quite different from each other. Partial hospitalization programs require 6-8 hours of therapy each day, several days a week. Because of the length of the day, this typically lasts from the morning to late afternoon. After treatment, you return home for the remainder of the day.
Intensive outpatient programs typically occur in either the mornings or evenings, which allows you to return to work, school, or other responsibilities that you have at home. This program mainly focuses on group therapy; however, most programs have a smaller individual therapy component.
Other outpatient treatment options can include attending group sessions that are shorter in duration and individual sessions. In outpatient treatment, you are eligible to continue receiving mental health treatment. The number of groups you attend will vary with the different treatment providers available.
Northbound is an ILWU alcohol and drug rehab in Southern California. We can provide you with detox, inpatient rehab, partial hospitalization program, intensive outpatient program, and family therapy. Call (866)568-2722 to speak with a representative today.
Northbound is a Top-Rated ILWU Approved Rehab Facility
Northbound is an addiction treatment provider with four locations. We have locations in The Grove, Newport Beach, La Jolla, and Visalia. We work with individuals who struggle with addictions to alcohol, meth, cocaine, crack, inhalants, opiates, prescription medications, and marijuana.
We offer a variety of treatment options, including detoxification, inpatient alcohol and drug rehab, partial hospitalization program, intensive outpatient program, outpatient programming, family therapy, faith-based treatment, and teletherapy.
Our detox program takes place in our facilities that offer inpatient rehab treatment. Our staff will provide you with compassionate and thorough care that monitors for risks known to occur while you detox.
Our inpatient rehab programs can provide you with mental health treatment if that is something you are struggling with. This program focuses on addiction education and relapse prevention. Our goal is to provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to return home and have a successful recovery.
Our partial hospitalization program can be a great transition program for individuals who are still in need of a higher level of care and would like to try living at home. You would continue building on the skills you previously learned, and receive support for applying them to your life.
Our intensive outpatient program would allow you to return to work or schooling during the day and attend treatment in the evenings. This program is not long-term and is usually a stepping stone to routine outpatient treatment. You will still be able to receive mental health treatment if you need to.
Northbound has been improving our ability to provide addiction and mental health treatment virtually through our Homebound program. Through this program, we can provide virtual care for our intensive outpatient program, routine outpatient treatment, and supportive care.
Additionally, we are knowledgeable about the sober living houses in Southern California and can assist you in finding a suitable environment if you do not have a sober or safe home to return to. It is important to note that sober living does not provide treatment, and therefore is not typically covered by your medical insurance.
Individuals who struggle with a mental health concern in addition to their addiction will have a better chance of having a healthy recovery if they receive treatment for both concerns at the same time. For many, mental health and addiction concerns are intertwined, so only treating one would not lead to lasting improvement. We have worked with individuals who struggle with anxiety disorders, emotional traumas, bipolar disorder, depressive disorders, co-dependency disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and borderline personality disorder.
Another key program that we offer is our family program. When we struggle with an addiction, our loved ones are impacted by our illness. Addiction can lead to concerns with trust, communication, security, and uncertainty about the future. Our family program will provide your loved ones with valuable knowledge about addiction and recovery, healthy communication, family member roles, and education about unhealthy relationship patterns. This program can help your family discover what changes can be made to make everyone feel as though they are in a healthier place.
Northbound is the ideal drug and alcohol rehab that accepts ILWU insurance. We can provide you with addiction and mental health treatment throughout your addiction treatment journey. This can provide you with consistent and dependable care that you can rely on. Our facilities are designed to be comfortable, and our staff will treat you with the kindness and compassion you deserve. So if you find yourself ready to get the help that you deserve for your drug and alcohol use, we encourage you to speak with a representative by calling (866)568-2722.

Are you or a loved one struggling with drug or alcohol addiction? Call our 24-hour confidential helpline to speak with a recovery expert.