Does Premera Blue Cross Cover Alcohol and Drug Rehab?
When someone reaches the point in their addiction that they are ready to ask for help, finding the right treatment provider can feel overwhelming. Figuring out what level of care you need, finding a treatment provider, and then seeing if your insurance can provide you coverage can feel like an exhausting process.
Premera is the most significant health plan provider in the Pacific Northwest. They are a non-profit organization with an independent Blue Cross Blue Shield Association licensee. They provide coverage for more than 2.6 million individuals. Premera provides individualized health care packages to those who live in Washington and Alaska.
Premera coverage can include many health concerns, including dental, vision, disability, and workforce wellness. Premera is known to work with doctors, other healthcare professionals, and hospitals. They offer a variety of plan options that can fit into your budget as well as your lifestyle. For example, you can choose to have a plan that includes a variety of networks across the country, or you can choose to have a smaller region for your care providers.
Premera has three main types of plans available. The first would be a high deductible health plan(HDHP). As the name suggests, this is the plan that would have the most increased deductible for you to pay. This does mean that your monthly premium payment will be lower. This plan typically comes with a health savings account that can help pay for health care costs annually.
Premera’s standard preferred provider plan (PPO) is designed with a low deductible. This plan offers in-network and out-of-network health care coverage. You will receive discounted rates for your in-network health care providers. You may also be able to elect to have a flexible spending account that can be used towards your health care out-of-pocket expenses.
Premera’s exclusive provider organization (EPO) has a smaller network for health care providers. With this plan, you are usually expected to have a Primary Care Physician. Your doctor would need to make referrals for you to see a specialist and receive care from a provider who is out of network.
It is important to note that this is a broad overview of the health care plans available with Premera BCBS. There are ways to customize your plan to your own health care needs, which will change some of the factors discussed, including premiums, deductibles, and coverage.
Northbound is a Premera Blue Cross drug rehab in Southern California. We provide inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment. To learn more about our addiction treatment services, we encourage you to call (866)568-2722 to speak with a representative today.
What Types of Treatment Does Premera Blue Cross Cover for Rehab?
As mentioned above, the coverage that you will receive from Premera BCBS will depend on your specific health care plan. That being said, Premera should provide you with some health care coverage for various addiction treatment programs. Your coverage may include the following forms of addiction treatment care:
- Detoxification: Detoxification occurs when a person who has been abusing drugs and alcohol stops using. A common experience during detox is experiencing uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and insomnia. Detox programs include medical supervision that can help provide medications and other interventions that can help relieve some of the negative symptoms. Additionally, medical professionals will monitor for harmful side effects.
- Inpatient drug and alcohol rehab: These programs include 24 hours of support while you reside in their treatment program for 1-3 months. Treatment includes group therapy, individual therapy, and educational sessions.
- Partial hospitalization programs: PHP programs provide a high level of care while you reside at home. These are also known as day programs because their treatment occurs over a 6-8 hour time period several days a week.
- Outpatient addiction treatment and therapy: Outpatient treatment typically involves significantly less time in treatment while still providing you with support from an addiction treatment provider. You may be expected to attend a number of group sessions each week, with or without individual sessions. Individual therapy sessions can be used to address addiction and a variety of mental health concerns.
Northbound is a Premera Blue Cross rehab in Southern California. We offer detoxification, inpatient drug and alcohol rehab, a partial hospitalization program, an intensive outpatient program, and outpatient treatment. To learn more about the services we offer, you may call (866)568-2722 today.
How Long Will Premera Blue Cross Insurance Cover Drug and Alcohol Rehab?
If you find yourself wanting to know exactly how much Premera Blue Cross rehab coverage you have, we encourage you to contact them directly. With the ability to customize your health care coverage, there is no way to tell what your insurance will cover for you.
To learn more about your plan’s specific coverage, you can call the number located on the back of your ID card. Your Premera Blue Cross representative will be able to give you specific information about your coverage and discuss in-network providers if you have not decided on one yet. Your coverage will likely be impacted by the treatment recommendation you receive from the treatment center.
When you first arrive at a treatment center, you will meet with an intake counselor or physician for an evaluation. During this time, you will discuss your struggle with drugs and alcohol, mental health concerns, and any other concerns you have at that time. From there, your provider will discuss their recommendation for your treatment, and together you can develop a plan. This can then be submitted to your insurance for them to determine how much coverage they can provide. Most treatment centers have staff who can help you with this process, so it doesn’t feel as overwhelming as it sounds.
Northbound is an addiction treatment center that accepts Premera Blue Cross. We provide drug and alcohol abuse treatment in Orange County. We have a variety of treatment options, including mental health treatment and family therapy, that you can utilize while in our addiction treatment program. To learn more about the services we offer, you may call (866)568-2722 now.
Northbound Treatment Accepts Premera Blue Cross
Northbound provides addiction and mental health treatment in Southern California. We work with individuals who struggle with both alcohol and drug abuse, as well as those struggling with mental health concerns. We offer detoxification, inpatient residential rehab, a partial hospitalization program, and intensive outpatient program services within our four different treatment programs.
Detoxification is a natural process that occurs when someone stops abusing alcohol or drugs. Our detoxification program will give you around-the-clock medical supervision and support to help ease the challenges that arise during the withdrawal process.
After you complete your detox, you can then continue on to our inpatient rehab program. You will begin engaging in group therapy, individual therapy, educational groups, and specialized treatment. Here, you will receive a solid foundation regarding the disease concept of addiction and relapse prevention skills that can help you when you return home.
Our partial hospitalization program and intensive outpatient programs are considered outpatient treatment because you live at home while you are in these groups. Partial hospitalization programs tend to have longer days of treatment which explains why it is commonly referred to as day program.
Intensive outpatient programs tend to have a shorter day of treatment, so you are able to resume your work, school, or other responsibilities. Both programs can provide you with continued mental health treatment if it is needed.
Cost is one of the most significant factors that prevent those in need from seeking treatment. If you have Premera Health Insurance, it doesn’t have to be.
Northbound is a Premera Blue Cross drug rehab located in Southern California. You will find that transitioning among our different programs as you progress in your recovery is seamless, and allows for continued support. If you are ready for help regarding your use of alcohol and drugs, we encourage you to speak with one of our representatives by calling (866) 568-2722.

Are you or a loved one struggling with drug or alcohol addiction? Call our 24-hour confidential helpline to speak with a recovery expert.