Drug, Alcohol and Treatment Resources in Kent, Washington, 98030

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Drug, Alcohol and Treatment Resources
in Kent, Washington

You’re not alone! Use our directory and informational guide to discover treatment resources in Kent, Washington and begin the road to recovery.

The entire country is witnessing an opioid epidemic. In King County, drug and alcohol deaths went from 272 to 383 between 2008 and 2017. In 2016 and 2017, it was a total of 727 deaths, and 50 were in Kent.

About half were from opioids together with alcohol or other drugs. Opiates alone and methamphetamine or cocaine counted for 19 and 25 percent respectively. Alcohol accounted for 3 percent of the deaths.

These are tragic numbers because there are many treatment resources in Kent, Washington, and the Seattle area for people struggling with drugs and alcohol addiction.

If you’re looking for help, you’ve come to the right place. And bravo for reaching out. It’s a courageous move and smart because the solution is here. 

But where do I find this help, you ask? And what exactly does this help look like and how do I start?

First, relax and take a deep breath. We’ve put together the basic info you need on rehab in Kent. Keep reading to learn about treatment centers in the area and what they offer. Then, jump in and get the relief and the sober, happy life you want.

How Many Treatment Centers Are in Kent, Washington?

In the Seattle area, you have plenty of treatment centers, rehabs, detoxes, recovery fellowships, sober livings, advisers, and recovery meetings to choose from. There are hundreds of addiction support options. In Kent itself, there are about a dozen.

So how do you know which to choose?

Look at it like picking a new exercise routine, gym, trainer, or even diet. Pick the one you’ll actually do. It should be accessible and doable with your schedule. 

For an outpatient, post-detox, or post-inpatient program, location is a priority. Look for a short commute where you can’t make excuses.

For a residential treatment program where you live at the center, location isn’t the top priority. Look for something professional and appealing where you’d be comfortable living for a while. Look at the whole Seattle area.

Our Northbound center is right in Queen Anne by Seattle center. Our clients love this because there’s plenty to explore as a group (it’s important to have fun in recovery!). It’s by the Space Needle and Chihuly Garden and Glass.

What Types of Treatment Centers Are in Kent, Washington?

You have everything you need to pull out of this drug and/or alcohol nightmare you’re in thanks to the rehab centers in Kent, WA, and surrounds. This includes places that offer the whole shebang when it comes to treatment and recovery and places that have just one slice of the entire recovery cake. 

And yes, you can have the whole sobriety cake if you want it!

Let’s take a look at what local treatment centers might offer, so you know your options when you check out these places. In the next section, we’ll give a bit more detail on each.

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers

The bigger treatment centers often give you all the options, like ours in Seattle, offer most of your options when it comes to treatment. 

The can offer a:

  • Residential treatment program where you live on campus and focus entirely on your recovery
  • Partial residential treatment program where you live off campus but do the same intensive program that residents do
  • Full outpatient treatment program where you live off campus and do a less intense or maintenance program at the center
  • Detox program where you get off all drugs and alcohol with medical supervision 

The detox program can be done on its own or as part of one of the other programs, usually the residential treatment program or the partial residential treatment program.

Detox Treatment Centers

Some places are set up only to help you detox with medical supervision. Once your body is free of dependence on drugs and alcohol, you can move on to other options for support and recovery from the emotional addition, such as ongoing recovery fellowship and meetings, counseling, and outpatient programs, or inpatient if needed.

Sober Livings

These places give you a bed to sleep in with others in recovery. They’re a great way to get away from triggers at home while you work on getting and staying sober.  

Ongoing Support, Fellowship, and Meetings

There are 12-step meetings in Kent and all over the area that give you and other alcoholics or addicts the ongoing tools to stay sober. The fellowship is there too to make the process enjoyable too. Often these meetings are at and part of treatment centers or their programs. 

What Programs Are Offered in Kent, Washington?

All of these programs are available to you for rehab in Kent, Washington, and the Seattle area. Let’s quickly look in more detail and then you can start scoping out where you are going to get the help you need.

Residential Treatment Programs

This is the live-onsite option where you stay for a set period, often a month. Your entire focus is to get sober while there. This may include physical detox with medical supervision. 

You get a taste for what it’s like to experience the freedom of sobriety and the tools needed to succeed at remaining sober once you leave.

The strict schedule usually includes work with professional counselors, recovery group meetings, and fellowship. That’s the fun part.

At Northbound, you get your own personal recovery team, including someone managing your stay, counselors, and therapists. They guide you back on the horse with practical life things and how to deal with living sober. 

We use our own philosophical model. Why? Because it works and we love it. Ours is the Northbound In Vivo® Model. It’s all about meeting you where you’re at with your needs and teaches you to get back into the world with joy. You start that while here by interacting with life in the city together with your in-treatment group. You don’t have to do any of this alone. 

Residential programs often focus on a niche. At Northbound, we have a women’s program and one for men, as well as one that’s Christian focused. 

Intensive Outpatient Programs

This is the same as residential, but you live off campus at home or in a sober living. This option is great if you have obligations in your life that you can’t just drop, like family or work. It’s also a bit less expensive.

Outpatient Treatment Programs

For this, you live off campus too. Outpatient treatment is often a bit less intensive as inpatient and is a great follow-up after an intensive program or detox. 

It keeps you connected to your support network in a big way and usually involves counseling and attending 12-step meetings. At Northbound, you get a support team to guide you through the process. 

Detox Programs

Often these are done at your residential or intensive outpatient program center, but some spots offer just detox. They help you get over the physical dependence with medical supervision to keep you safe during withdrawals, which can be life-threatening. 

You’re monitored around the clock. 

Support Programs

Once you’ve detoxed, you’re ready for ongoing support. You’ll get a taste at rehab, and then you will want to set up a system that helps you live in sobriety, so you don’t go back. The goal is to help you feel comfortable, happy, and productive, even without drugs or alcohol.

There are sober livings where you can stay to avoid triggers in your life until you get on your feet and feel relatively solid. They usually require you to attend other meetings or be a part of a rehab program while living there. 

Counselors and other programs are available to guide you during detox and on an ongoing basis.

Most in recovery stay connect by attending 12-step meetings. You can find a fellowship meeting here near you. Keep trying different meetings until you find your peeps. Then stick close. They’re there for you and have your back when you need it.

Treatment Resources in Kent, Washington Are Here for You

As you can see with the treatment resources in Kent, Washington, and the Seattle area, you have everything you need to get over this difficult moment and get the relief and joy you want in your life.

And we’re here to help. Give us a call today to at least start the ball rolling. We’ll answer questions and get you on the path to recovery.

You don’t need to feel alone in this any more. 

Request a Confidential Callback

One of the caring treatment coordinators at our Southern California drug rehab centers will contact you shortly and walk you through the process of finding the best treatment options that meet your needs.

Or pick up the phone and call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Additional Locations We Serve

Northbound Treatment offers the best rehab centers in California. Our programs and recovery centers have been chosen mindfully and nestled within the Orange County region of Southern California. Each program’s location, as well as its facilities, play a role in delivering our specialized form of addiction treatment that distinguishes Northbound’s continuum of care from other providers.





Regardless of your situation, we will help you in finding your own personalized treatment solutions – whether that’s our program or another – at no cost or obligation to you. Get started and change your life with the simple click of a button.

We are unable at this time to accept Medicare or Medicaid plans. We do offer affordable self-pay and financing options, so reach out and get started on your journey to lasting recovery.