Drug & Alcohol Treatment in Orange County, CA

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Orange County is a classic example of why people love California. With its picture-perfect weather, world-famous attractions, and immaculate beaches, visitors and residents view Orange County as a slice of heaven on earth. While Orange County is an ideal place to live, work, and play, a darker side lies beneath the surface. Like all communities in the United States, Orange County is not immune to the adverse effects of drug abuse and addiction. 

Our dual diagnosis Treatment Center in Southern California is one of the premier rehab centers in Orange County that treats both substance use disorders (SUDs) and mental health issues.

Unfortunately, drug addiction is affecting countless families throughout the world. Individuals in every community are struggling with alcoholism, illicit drug use, or prescription drug abuse in Southern California. Those here in the United States are not exempt from these problems. Many people in the U.S. are dealing with drug and alcohol abuse daily.

Individuals in every area of this country know the struggle all too well. In the U.S. alone, an estimated 19.7 million people are said to have struggled with addiction in 2017. This illustrates that 1 out of every 8 Americans is involved in some sort of substance abuse. This sobering statistic shows just how serious of an issue mental illness and addiction can be for our society as a whole. This includes those living in Orange County, CA as well. For people to break the vicious cycle of drug addiction in their lives, they must seek professional help found in an Orange County drug rehab. This article will further explore addiction statistics as well as how to find the best alcohol and drug rehab in Orange County that best fits your needs. Do you or a loved one need help with a drug and alcohol program? Northbound Treatment is a top-tier California drug rehab offering extensively tested treatment programs and compassionate care. Call us today to find out more!

Drug Rehab & Alcohol Treatment in Orange County, CA

Because our communities have been placing greater importance on mental health and wellness, treatment programs in Orange County, CA have been becoming more common and accepted. As a result, addicts can now seek a treatment program without feeling stigmatized.

From alcohol addiction to drug abuse to even dual diagnosis there are a variety of different treatment programs in San Diego that are available to handle multiple health issues at once. By uncovering the underlying problems involved in dual diagnosis cases, doctors and therapists are now better able to treat patients for long-term recovery and sobriety. Today, there are over 14,500 facilities in the United States that can help, treat, and improve the lives of addicts everywhere.

If you are looking for treatment centers in Orange County, CA, Northbound Treatment is the perfect place to start. Equipped with a highly-trained staff and medical professionals, our drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Orange County offers everything you need to overcome your alcohol or drug addiction. Our individualized treatment plan uses evidence-based treatments like behavioral therapy and one-on-one counseling to help all of our clients achieve long-term sobriety and wellness.

Statistics on Drug and Alcohol Abuse in Orange County, California

In Orange County, about 8% of Californians suffered from a substance use disorder between the years of 2015 and 2016. This percentage equates to approximately 2.7 million people. More than half of those individuals were suffering from alcohol dependence. A little less than half reported that they were struggling with illicit drug dependence. Also, a percentage of these individuals reported dependence on prescription medications known as opioids (i.e. prescription pain medication).

Of those who were suffering from a substance use disorder between 2015 and 2016 in Southern California, the majority were 18-25 years old. An overwhelming 15% of those who had a substance use disorder in need of addiction treatment fell somewhere in this age group. This was nearly two times the percentage of the overall average. 

About 36% of the individuals in this age group reported that they had engaged in binge drinking. (This means that they drank more than the recommended amount of drinks in one sitting.) Approximately 24.2% of individuals over the age of 26 reported binge drinking.

In addition to the adults that reported substance use problems, young people between the ages of 12 and 17 struggled with drug and alcohol abuse in Orange County. Around 5.1% of adolescents in this age group reported binge drinking. A percentage of adolescent students reported that they had used drugs or alcohol to get high.

  • Over 13% of 7th graders reported that they had participated in alcohol use
  • 7.9% of 7th graders reported that they had participated in marijuana use
  • About 32% of 9th graders reported that they had participated in alcohol use
  • 23.1% of 9th graders reported that they had participated in marijuana use
  • Nearly 4% of 9th graders reported that they had participated in cocaine use
  • Almost 52% of 11th graders reported that they had participated in alcohol use
  • 6.4% of 11th graders reported that they had participated in cocaine use
  • Close to 38% of 11th graders reported that they had participated in marijuana use

Is Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Orange County Right for You?

Sadly, America is quite familiar with the effects and results of substance abuse and addiction. The number of drug-related deaths has slowly and steadily risen throughout the years, especially among young adults.

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, over 70,200 individuals lost their lives due to drug overdoses in 2017. This is about 54,000 more overdose deaths than occurred in 1999. It’s easy to assume that illicit drugs are usually to blame in cases of fatal overdose. But, the truth is that many of these cases involve prescription drugs. While many people suffer from the harmful and fatal effects of illegal drugs, many also suffer because of prescription drug abuse as well. The drugs that were involved in these overdoses included various types of substances. Some individuals overdosed on antidepressants. Others were using synthetic narcotics. 

Many individuals overdose as a result of benzodiazepine use, cocaine use, and opioid use. That’s why at Northbound Treatment Center in Orange County, CA, we offer more programs that extend into mental health. We understand the impact of a dual diagnosis and its influence on alcohol and drug addiction. We believe by understanding each patient’s symptoms and needs, we can help guide them on the road to recovery.

Orange County Alcohol Treatment

If you or a loved one are looking for top-tier rehab services in Southern California, we encourage you to consider our Orange County alcohol treatment center. We provide a variety of fully integrated programs for those struggling with alcohol addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders

Alcoholism occurs when someone has trouble controlling their drinking habits and struggles with a chronic preoccupation with alcohol. The progressive disease affects virtually every facet of a person’s life, including their mental and physical well-being, relationships, family, job, and community. Throughout the course of treatment for alcohol addiction, our skilled clinicians work with patients in individual and group settings to address all aspects of alcoholism and the challenges impacting recovery.

The Opioid Epidemic in Orange County, California

No doubt, most people have heard about the effects of the opioid epidemic in the United States. The truth of the matter is that this epidemic is affecting people throughout the country, including those in Orange County. Thousands of individuals in the county suffer from opioid use-related issues. Some have even lost their lives because of opioid use. The sobering numbers are enough to make anyone see the importance of seeking help, especially a drug and alcohol rehab center.

The Orange County Health Care Agency & Sheriff-Coroner’s 2017 report on Opioid Overdose & Death in Orange County gives much information on the matter. According to this report, the rate of opioid-related emergency department (ED) visits steadily increased between the years 2005 and 2011. 

Between 2011 and 2015, there were thousands of opioid abuse/dependence-related cases. Emergency department visits accounted for 23% of these cases. The other 77% resulted in hospitalizations. Also, of the heroin-related hospital cases, 80% were ED visits while the other 20% resulted in hospitalizations.

During this period of time (2011-2015), 7,457 individuals visited the emergency department for problems related to opioid use. There were more cases involving males than there were involving females. (More than 4,500 cases involved males while over 2,900 involved women.) Most of these cases were due to opioid abuse or dependence. This was the reason for about 39% of these ED visits. Almost one-quarter of the ED visits (24%) were the result of heroin poisoning. 

The report also records that an average of 1,500 people receive treatment in the emergency department every year. This alarming number doesn’t even include the individuals who are suffering from opioid abuse and other addictions and do not receive treatment. So, it’s undoubtedly clear that there is a need for addiction treatment in California.

Orange County Drug Rehabs: How Many Are They?

In comparison to other regions, the rate of substance abuse in Orange County is below the average. However, just because it isn’t an epidemic does not mean people are not suffering and in need of alcohol or drug addiction treatment. The reality is that every city needs alcohol and drug treatment facilities.

For instance, in 2017, there was an 82% increase in drug and alcohol-related deaths. There were also 700 deaths and over 500 drug-related hospitalizations. All of these incidences were caused by the use of drugs and alcohol. So, although the county may be under the national average of overdoses and substance abuse-related deaths, it is still an issue that is plaguing our community and causing problems for our citizens.

If you or your loved one is struggling with addiction, seek help now before you become part of these harrowing statistics. The good news is that there are many substance abuse treatment centers in Orange County that can help all kinds of addicts.

A 2016 survey shows that there are over 1,100 treatment facilities throughout Southern California. Orange County is the third-largest county in this region, it is home to about 122 of these alcohol and drug detox centers.

Orange County alcohol and drug rehab facilities are under both public and private providers. A majority are under the public wing and are overseen by the Orange County Health Care Agency.

Luckily for those struggling with substance abuse and mental illness, more and more facilities are opening up each year.

At Northbound Treatment in Southern California, we are dedicated to serving our Orange County community and are here for you today.

How to Find the Best Addiction Treatment in Orange County

Finding the best alcohol rehabs in Orange County can be a challenging endeavor. In Orange County itself, there are dozens of facilities that provide drug and alcohol treatment programs. While many of these Orange County alcohol rehabs have effective treatment programming and expert treatment staff, which rehab is right for your needs? 

While finding a drug rehab is your number one priority, you must do your diligence in research. Drug rehab requires a total commitment of both your time and your money. Committing to a drug treatment program that may not fit your specific needs will lead to relapse down the road. This will perpetuate the vicious cycle of addiction and may make it more difficult to treat when you choose another treatment program. 

The following are some tips to keep in mind when finding the best addiction treatment program in Orange County:

Multiple Levels of Evidence-Based Care

Alcohol treatment in Orange County must offer multiple levels of evidence-based care and should include all or most of the following:

  • Detox
  • Residential treatment
  • Outpatient treatment (including traditional outpatient, intensive outpatient, and day treatment)
  • Aftercare and sober living

Additionally, some rehabs may offer intervention services, educational workshops, and even teletherapy.

Different Lengths of Treatment Programs

The length of drug treatment is another important consideration when looking for a drug rehab in Orange County. Many drug and alcohol rehabs in Orange County offer intensive inpatient programs that last between 28-30 days. However, this relatively short time frame may not be a long enough time for you to fully address your addiction issues. Orange County treatment facilities should offer programs for 60 days, 90 days, or even longer if you need a more extended treatment program.

If you are looking for an outpatient program, the average length of these programs is 10-14 weeks. Outpatient programs allow you to get professional treatment while allowing you to live at home. In general, you will go to the facility 3-4 times a week. Most outpatient programs are known as step-down programs, meaning that treatment frequency and duration can be gradually tapered down as you progress in treatment.

Components of Care

Orange County drug rehabs need to offer a broad spectrum of services that experienced staff can personalize to fit your unique needs. The following are common programs and services that are found in alcohol and drug rehab in Orange County:

  • Individual, group, and family therapy
  • Exercise and recreation options
  • 12-step therapy or similar self-help support groups such as SMART Recovery
  • Holistic therapies 
  • Sober living

Not only do these programs need to be personalized to meet your needs, but they should also be dynamic in their ability to be modified if your needs change during your treatment stay.

If you have questions on what programs you need in an Orange County alcohol rehab, contact Northbound Treatment today and speak to one of our dedicated and compassionate staff members.

How to Find Alcohol Rehabs in Orange County

By keeping the above tips in mind, you should be able to find an alcohol and drug rehab in Orange County that best fits your specific needs. However, you may still have questions about the services provided and how they best suit you. You not only want the best programs, but you also want a responsive staff who understands your treatment goals.

Don’t wait another day to address your substance abuse issues. Contact Northbound Treatment today and begin your transformation with our California addiction treatment programs!

What Type of Alcohol Rehab Centers Are in Orange County?

Not every addiction is the same. That’s why you must explore the different types of programs available. Below is a quick guide on the different types of treatment centers available:

Inpatient Treatment Centers in Orange County

Also known as residential rehab centers, these treatment facilities are where the patient is required to check in and live within the property. Depending on the severity of the addiction, treatment might last between 30 and 90 days. Inpatient treatment centers are ideal for patients who need a safe and supportive environment as they go through detox and recovery.

This environment allows patients to interact with others that are dealing with similar struggles. They also have experienced professionals who motivate them and guide them through the recovery process. This, in turn, speeds up their journey towards a drug-free life.

This setting also allows patients to focus on nothing but recovery. As a result, inpatient centers usually boast higher success rates compared to an outpatient treatment programs.

However, this extra assistance does come at a price and is often more expensive than outpatient treatment options. Not everyone can afford an inpatient drug rehab. At Northbound Treatment in Orange County, CA, we accept many different insurance plans at our inpatient facility, and chances are, your insurance may help cover some or all of your treatment. Contact us today to learn more about your specific insurance.

The inpatient facility setting goes a long way in promoting sobriety as patients can focus on recovery both emotionally and physically. As a result, residential drug rehab centers in California often have a higher success rate in ensuring recovery compared to outpatient centers. In addition to inpatient programs, there are also multiple different treatment options available to suit every kind of budget and situation.

Are There Inpatient Rehabs in Orange County?

If your addiction issues are severe and need intensive treatment, an inpatient rehab program will give you the support and tools you need to address and overcome your addiction. Fortunately, most Orange County drug rehab feature inpatient (or residential) rehabs. Inpatient rehabs are seen as the “gold standard” because of the level of care, and around-the-clock support clients receive while in this treatment program. 

In an inpatient program, you will reside in the facility itself and receive medical and mental health support 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Since you are residing in the facility, you are removed from the stressors in your home environment, which may lead you to relapse. Residential rehabs in Orange County feature welcoming environments and state-of-the-art amenities, creating a positive atmosphere. As stated earlier, these programs have lengths of 30, 60, 90 days, or even longer, depending on the severity of your addiction.

Is residential drug rehab in Orange County the best fit for you? Call Northbound Treatment toll-free and learn more!

Outpatient Treatment Centers in Orange County

The primary difference between an outpatient drug and alcohol rehab program in California and the model above is that there’s no round-the-clock care. Patients receive treatment during the day and go back home in the evening.

An outpatient center works best for individuals with a mild addiction. They are also ideal for those who have a reliable support system back home and whose environment doesn’t encourage substance abuse.

Depending on the facility you’ve enrolled in, the treatment periods last between 10 to 12 hours a week and can last anywhere from three months to a year. While it is a more affordable option, the chances of relapse increase for individuals who do not receive in-house and around-the-clock care.

What Programs Are Offered in Orange County, California?

Before you can find the right treatment center for you or your loved one in Orange County, you must understand what each program facility offers. Below you’ll find a description of standard programs offered by treatment centers:

1. Medical Detox Programs

Medical Detox is a staple program in most rehab facilities in Orange County, CA. It aims to provide a safe space for patients undergoing a drug or alcohol detox. Supervision of professional medical staff is usually involved to help mitigate the unwanted side effects and withdrawal symptoms that are commonly associated with drug and alcohol detox.

2. Partial Hospitalization Programs

Partial Hospitalization Programs are tailored for patients who need more care and attention than patients in the intensive outpatient program. In other words, this program works for patients who don’t need around-the-clock care. However, these patients will most likely need more attention compared to those going through an outpatient treatment program.

These programs are often structured the same way as inpatient programs except that they only take several hours each day.

3. Support Group Programs

Treatment centers in Orange County commonly offer support group therapy programs. Depending on the rehab facility, the group is designed to either connect newly-registered patients to recovering addicts or provide education and counseling programs to the patients.

4. Sober Living Home Programs

Sober Living programs in Orange County are standard in most inpatient treatment centers. They’re for addicts whose previous neighborhoods don’t provide an ideal environment for complete recovery.

5. Aftercare Support Programs

Even though recovery from drug addiction is possible, the chances of relapsing are often quite high. As a way to prevent this, most treatment centers in Orange County usually offer alumni and follow-up care programs to ensure total drug abstinence.

Who We Are: Northbound in Orange County, California

At Northbound Treatment in Orange County, CA, we are dedicated to helping people suffering from addiction and mental health disorders take back their life and achieve sobriety. We know change can feel impossible when stuck in the depths of addiction. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to provide addicts with the support they need to see the light at the end of the tunnel and reclaim a life that they’re proud of. 

Our team is comprised of top doctors, therapists, psychologists, and addiction counselors, equipping our clients with the best support system possible. Our 1-to-1 staff-to-client ratio ensures that all of our patients receive the best care and treatment possible. Every client that walks through our door is given personalized treatment, guidance, and attention, no matter their background. At Northbound Treatment, in Southern California, we do everything in our power to set our patients up for success so they can live a sober, positive life post-recovery. 

Our Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility in Orange County, California

At our drug and alcohol treatment center in Orange County, California, we offer several different addiction treatment options for all stages of recovery. Below you’ll find more information on each of our foundation programs:

Northbound Treatment’s Commitment to You

The team at Northbound Treatment is dedicated to helping individuals with AUD and addiction reclaim their lives and achieve long-term sobriety. We realize how overwhelming the concept of drug addiction treatment can be when you’re stuck in the trenches of alcoholism. That’s why we’re here to provide you with all the support and guidance you need during every stage of treatment.

Our treatment centers are equipped with experienced and highly trained doctors, nurses, and counselors. During your time at Northbound, you can participate in a broad range of evidence-based therapies as part of a comprehensive and personalized treatment program. And when it comes to the best locations for alcohol rehab centers, Orange County is hard to beat.

Also, you can count on Northbound to provide affordable, accessible care at all levels. We’re an in-network provider for a majority of insurance plans, and we can work with you on a payment option that suits your unique needs and situation.

The right time to begin treatment is now. To get started, call Northbound at (888) 978-8649 or fill out our admissions form, and a counselor will be in touch.

Get in Touch

(949) 763-3576

3822 Campus Drive

Newport Beach, CA 92660

Request a Confidential Callback

One of the caring treatment coordinators at our Southern California drug rehab centers will contact you shortly and walk you through the process of finding the best treatment options that meet your needs.

Or pick up the phone and call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Additional Locations We Serve

Northbound Treatment offers the best rehab centers in California. Our programs and recovery centers have been chosen mindfully and nestled within the Orange County region of Southern California. Each program’s location, as well as its facilities, play a role in delivering our specialized form of addiction treatment that distinguishes Northbound’s continuum of care from other providers.





Regardless of your situation, we will help you in finding your own personalized treatment solutions – whether that’s our program or another – at no cost or obligation to you. Get started and change your life with the simple click of a button.

We are unable at this time to accept Medicare or Medicaid plans. We do offer affordable self-pay and financing options, so reach out and get started on your journey to lasting recovery.