Addiction does not discriminate. It has no regard for gender, ethnicity, race, religion, or socioeconomic status. Individuals who are strong in their religious convictions will face the same struggles as those with no religious affiliations. However, faith can be a strong source of support in treatment and recovery.
Northbound offers a Christian treatment for drug and alcohol addiction for those who want to invite their faith into their recovery efforts and strengthen their relationship with God. They may find that rediscovering or reconnecting with their faith in a Christian treatment program is the motivation they need to commit to their recovery and live to their fullest potential. The LINKS program is located in the therapeutically peaceful coastline of Orange County, California, nestled between rolling hills and the waves of the Pacific.
Focus on Healing and Faith
LINKS is Northbound’s Christian Rehab Orange County Program. Here, men and women receive spiritual support and attend local church services while exploring how Christian faith, addiction treatment, and ongoing recovery interrelate: For the right person, this can be a powerful resource to draw from at a critical juncture. The name “LINKS” refers to the link between the best practices of addiction medicine and the principles of Christianity.
Participants in LINKS approach addiction treatment from a Christian perspective. Some may have lost their way or strayed from their religion over the course of their addiction. Others may have stayed connected with their faith, but still found themselves battling addiction. Still, others may never have engaged with the Christian faith before but may be interested in embarking on that spiritual journey as they build their recovery. At Northbound’s Christian Rehab Orange County Treatment Program, our participants can delve more deeply into their faith and embrace a Christian-based recovery program. They can explore how faith and recovery work together to help them build a stronger bond with Christ and focus on making positive changes in their life. Recovering alongside a close-knit community of individuals engaging in parallel religious and recovery development provides rich and lasting fellowship. Individuals find ways to forgive themselves and promote healing and recovery within a safe, supportive environment. They discover that addiction recovery and a sober lifestyle are possible, and that their faith can lead them through the inevitable difficult times and keep them motivated, strong, and on the right track.
All of Northbound’s Christian Treatment Program participants engage in counseling during treatment, but LINKS places an emphasis on Christ-centered counseling and incorporating the role of faith into problem-solving and working through challenges. Christianity is a source of strength for many individuals. Christian treatment programs are an amazing opportunity to put faith into practice and rediscover the power of spirituality. The idea that there is something bigger out there—something more powerful than the individual—is humbling, centering, and incredibly moving.
Your Support System
Everyone who arrives in our LINKS Christian Treatment Residential Program will have an interdisciplinary treatment team that collaborates to ensure that their treatment plan aligns with their unique needs and goals. This team could include:
- A Case Manager
- ASAM Certified Addiction Psychiatrist
- Professional Primary Therapist
- Addiction Counselors
- Masters-Prepared Trauma Therapist
- Music Therapist
- An Academic Advisor
Our compassionate team, each an expert in his or her respective field, is there to guide you through our full continuum of care to achieve our mission in celebrating one year of continuous sobriety.
What Sets Northbound’s Christian Rehab Orange County LINKS Treatment Program Apart from Other Residential Treatment Programs?
Those in the LINKS program will work with their clinical team to customize their treatment plan that aligns with their needs and goals by adding any of Northbound’s Signature Services. Collegebound®: This program enables those in treatment to enroll in school—whether that’s a local college, university, or trade school—and includes the guidance and mentoring they need to succeed.
How Long is Successful Residential Treatment?
There is no one typical length of stay. However, we have found that many people find three months of Residential Treatment an ideal amount of time to launch a successful life of sobriety.
Pursue Education and Strengthen Your Chances for Success in Life with Northbound’s Collegebound® Program
Northbound’s Collegebound® is a college recovery program in Orange County for young adults that offers the unique opportunity for participants to further their education and truly turn their life around, all within the supportive and highly accountable treatment environment. This program, available at both the inpatient and outpatient levels of care, ensures that clients stay focused on building their recovery while pursuing their education and building a brighter future.
Moreover, Northbound’s Collegebound® Program provides participants with more than just the opportunity to further their education. They rediscover their passions, unearth a sense of hope and purpose that has often been long dormant, and enhance the priceless assets of self-efficacy and self-esteem that may have been painfully damaged through active addiction.
Learn More About the Wealth of Educational Resources in Our Orange County Community
Transition Back into the Workforce with Northbound’s Careerbound® Program
Addiction recovery is about more than abstinence from drugs and alcohol. It is about creating a substance-free lifestyle while fully engaging in all the healthy opportunities that the world has to offer. Obtaining and maintaining employment is an important aspect of many adults’ lives, and one that builds precious self-efficacy for those in early recovery. Northbound’s Careerbound® Program empowers clients to build a sustainable lifestyle of recovery through securing gainful employment while continuing to participate in treatment. This transitional living service is available to our clients at both the inpatient and outpatient level of care. Re-entering “real life” post treatment is a challenging and risky time. Northbound’s Careerbound® Program bridges this transition with the accountability and support necessary to give each person the best possible chance for success.
Learn More About Careerbound and Our Signature Services
Trauma-Centered Care
Trauma is an underlying issue in many instances of addiction. We might term this dual-diagnosis and recommend a dual-diagnosis treatment program. It is natural and human for us to underestimate the lasting and severe impact that events from our past have had on our present life; this is a coping mechanism that we do to protect ourselves. However, without healing the underlying causes of addiction, the chances of sustainable recovery are drastically reduced. Northbound Treatment’s trauma program provides individual trauma therapies including EMDR, psychoeducation, symptom management, trauma-focused process groups, and experiential opportunities for shared processing. Once we are able to understand our trauma, the healing process can begin, and starts a path towards deep personal growth. Within our Northbound Trauma Program, the result is often an emerging recovery identity that grounds an individual in recovery with a newfound foundation on what was previously shaky ground.
Learn More About Our Clinical Expertise with more than 200 years of Combined Experience