Addiction Treatment at Northbound
Making the decision to seek treatment for addiction and mental health challenges is a big step. If you’ve made it to this page, perhaps you or someone you care about is preparing to take that step. If so – we applaud you! You are bravely facing what some choose to run from for a lifetime. We know this isn’t easy, and we want you to know you do not have to go through it alone. Northbound provides support and guidance to potential clients, families, and healthcare providers to find drug addiction help Orange County residents need to overcome addiction and get their lives back on track.
For a Loved One
Watching a loved one struggle with addiction and mental health issues can be heartbreaking and frustrating. You see the impact it is having on their life and the lives of those around them, but they may not be ready, willing, or able to acknowledge it. You may feel angry, confused, sad, scared, overwhelmed, or giving up. You may want to help, but not know how. It can be hard to love someone when they are consumed by alcoholism or drug addiction, but there is hope. We can help you to determine if Northbound is the right fit, hold an intervention, select the appropriate treatment program, and support your loved one in getting the care they need to get back on their feet.
For Myself
Are you scared or tired of the toll alcoholism or drug addiction is taking on your life? Are you ready for a fresh start? We know it is difficult to admit that you need help. But we also know that by acknowledging what is happening in your life, you are taking the first crucial step toward leaving behind the habits that hold you back and developing a whole new way of living to bring you the happiness and peace you deserve. Northbound is here to welcome you with open arms. We believe in every person’s ability to make meaningful and lasting changes in their life, and will walk alongside you through each step of the process. Our goal is to celebrate one year of continued sobriety with you.
For My Client
Northbound works closely with referring partners from the healthcare, addiction, and legal fields to assist you in getting your client the treatment they need. We partner with you to determine the level of care, family engagement, logistics and more. Communication is key in recovery, and (assuming appropriate consents are in place) Northbound will keep you up-to-date on your client’s progress and make a referral back to your care at the summation of treatment. We recognize you as a valuable part of our treatment team and welcome your insights, participation, and feedback throughout the process.