As a comprehensive treatment provider that offers a full continuum of care, Northbound incorporates a variety of evidence-based practices, therapies, and modalities for treating co-occurring disorders.
Clients’ physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health are addressed to support long-term well-being and the establishment of a sustainable and thriving recovery lifestyle. Co-occurring disorder treatment in Orange County plans are flexible and adapted to fit each client’s individual needs as they progress through the program.
Our teams undergo regular training and continuing education to stay up-to-date on best practices and changes in the industry. We recognize that each client faces unique challenges and underlying issues that necessitate the use of a range of well-researched, evidence-based practices to provide the most effective treatment possible.
Evidence-based therapies help clients to work through issues relating to addiction, substance use, and mental health disorders that affect all aspects of their lives. Comprehensive evaluations and assessments are conducted prior to treatment planning to help clients, therapists, case managers, and medical professionals work together to determine the right approach for their needs.
Northbound’s Approach: The In Vivo® Model
Northbound embraces an innovative In Vivo® model of treatment to help clients build the optimal foundation for long-term success in recovery. The In Vivo® (or “in life”) model of care allows clients continual opportunities to practice healthier coping skills they are learning in real life settings, and to engage in the real-life activities, pursuits, challenges, joys, accomplishments, and setbacks that will be present for them beyond their time in active treatment.
By gradually and safely exposing clients to enhanced “In Vivo®” experiences, they gain more independence, increase their community engagement, develop the priceless virtue of self-efficacy, strengthen their resolve and skills necessary for sustained recovery, and develop a thriving and comprehensive lifestyle free from drugs or alcohol. As challenges arise, they learn how to deal with them in real time with support, guidance, and accountability from Northbound’s staff.
When appropriate, clients shop for their own groceries, attend concerts and community events, go to school or work, and learn to live their lives in a less restrictive environment. This eases the transition back into society and promotes the best possible chances for long-term recovery.
Gender-Specific Treatment
Men and women face different challenges when it comes to recovery from addiction. Gender-specific treatment allows them to delve more deeply into these issues with fewer distractions and more personalized support. Issues that may have felt shaming or unspeakable become manageable as clients realize that they are truly not alone – many others have experienced similar struggles and are engaged in a similar recovery process.
Clients experience the positive impacts of community and strong peer bonds that help build their foundation for recovery. Topics of masculinity, femininity, trauma, the family of origin, self-esteem, shame, and identity are processed using therapeutic techniques best suited for the individual as well as the group.
Individual Therapy and Case Management
Upon admission, each client is assigned to a therapist and a case manager. This dynamic team works with the client alongside medical and recovery specialists to ensure that addiction, mental health, and logistical issues are effectively addressed in each patient.
Therapists address the emotional, psychological, and family of origin issues that underpin addiction. In both individual and small group therapy, clients delve deeper into these topics and learn to cope with life’s stressors in healthy ways.
The case manager is a recovery specialist who works closely with clients as they develop their recovery lifestyle plan, while also coordinating logistic needs and serving as the main point of contact during the treatment process.
Process Group
In group therapy, clients learn that they are not alone, that the issues that they face do not disqualify them from being worthy of love, belonging, and happiness, and how to more effectively cope with the problems in their lives. Real-time opportunities to practice effective communication, work through conflict, and learn how to develop healthy relationships are capitalized on during group. Peer-to-peer feedback, insights, support, and role modeling provide invaluable accountability, inspiration, and opportunities for growth.
Therapy groups at Northbound are run by therapists, while additional addiction-focused counseling groups are facilitated by case managers, ensuring that both addiction issues and the complex factors that underpin the addiction are effectively addressed.
Psychiatric Evaluation
An approved medical provider conducts a thorough psychiatric evaluation as a first step upon admission to Northbound. This evaluation helps to ensure that both mental health and addictive disorders are accurately diagnosed so that an appropriate and comprehensive plan of care can be developed.
Psychiatric providers continue to follow up with the client as indicated throughout the course of treatment and oversee medication management where applicable.
History and Physical
To accurately evaluate and treat issues of mental illness (including addiction), a clear picture of the client’s physiological presentation and historical experiences must be established. To meet this need, a complete history and physical exam are administered. This practice ensures that clients are safe for rehab, allows for any co-occurring medical issues to be effectively addressed, and confirms that the level of service provided (detox, inpatient, outpatient) is appropriate.
Following each client’s history, physical, and psychiatric evaluation, a biopsychosocial assessment is completed. This in-depth evaluation examines the physical, psychological, and social impacts of addiction on each client’s life and is used in developing a personalized treatment plan. It delves deeply into how addiction has manifested and creates a clearer picture of the individual’s overall needs.
Nursing and Monitoring
Client safety and wellbeing are a top priority. There is nursing staff available around the clock to check client vitals, monitor their health, and provide medical assistance where needed. Our detox facility is staffed by qualified nurses 24/7. Additionally, Northbound employs a full-time healthcare team that handles referrals and ensures all medical needs are met throughout treatment.
Motivational Interviewing
Motivational interviewing is an evidence-based therapy that uses intentional questioning to help clients identify their goals and a direction for their future.
Clients are encouraged to think critically about their actions and behaviors and whether these choices move them closer to their goals or further away. It helps clients to shift away from focusing on immediate gratification and see the bigger picture while empowering them to make healthier choices.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy – DBT
While dialectical behavioral therapy is commonly used to treat personality disorders, it has more extensive applications as well. Anyone who experiences difficulties regulating their emotions can potentially benefit from DBT. There is a strong emphasis on mindfulness, recognizing the potential for seemingly opposed truths (or “dialectics”) to exist simultaneously, boundary setting, and learning to self-soothe.
These treatment tactics are effective in dealing with psychiatric symptoms, cravings, and relationship issues while simultaneously enhancing relapse prevention efforts. Northbound offers DBT skill groups and DBT-trained practitioners to support recovery.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – CBT
Cognitive-behavioral therapy explores the connection between our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Clients learn how to challenge maladaptive thinking patterns and develop more proactive ways of viewing themselves and their circumstances. This can be a very empowering form of therapy and reduce reactive behaviors, negative thought habits, and impulsivity.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing – EMDR
EMDR therapy is used primarily with clients who have experienced trauma but can be implemented to assist with a wide variety of issues such as craving management, anxiety reduction, and impulse control. The EMDR protocol was initially designed to desensitize traumatic memories and help clients recover.
Clients work with Northbound’s full-time Trauma Therapist on establishing safety and grounding skills, reprocessing traumatic memories, and developing resilience. Many clients report immense relief in the relatively short amount of time after engaging in EMDR.
Psychodrama and Experiential Techniques
Psychodrama incorporates experiential and active techniques to help clients access and address the underlying issues of addiction. Many individuals struggling with co-occurring disorders have built walls to protect themselves from the potential pain of processing through emotional pain.
They may have used drugs or alcohol to numb their feelings and are getting in touch with these emotions and dealing with them in a constructive way. Psychodrama helps clients access these difficult topics in a safe, supportive, and collaborative fashion. Family sculpting, sociometry, and empty chair work may be used as additional experiential techniques.
Expressive Arts
Talk therapy is a pivotal part of addiction treatment but can also be exhausting. Expressive arts allow clients to express themselves in non-verbal ways through different mediums. They create pieces of work that represent their feelings and true selves in a raw yet less intimidating way. Their art can help them to express that which they can’t put into words.
Mindfulness teaches clients to live in the moment. It takes patients’ minds off of things that have happened in the past or may happen in the future and brings attention to the present moment. Mindfulness-based work enables clients to become more aware of stress, anxiety, and negative thoughts, allowing them to view these feelings in a constructive and non-judgmental way.
Developing a mindfulness practice has been shown to help with stress reduction, improvements in mental focus and clarity, and alleviation of depressive and anxious symptoms.
Music Program
Music is a very powerful tool and form of expression. In Northbound’s Music Program, clients have the opportunity to compose and record original pieces of music, explore the impact that being a musician has had on their addiction, and develop real-life coping strategies to empower them to continue in their musical pursuits while choosing to abstain from drugs and alcohol.
Once a month, gender-specific music program groups are given eight hours at a recording studio to record their art. Supervised recreational outings to local music venues and shows are available once a client has earned these privileges. Some clients choose to enroll simultaneously in our Collegebound® or Careerbound® programs, where they can participate in musically-focused scholastic and internship opportunities.
Partnering with Providers
Northbound partners with treatment professionals who have treated clients before which includes physicians, therapists, interventionists, or other service providers. With client permission, we keep these providers updated on progress and consult on areas of concern for a full continuum of care.
Get Help Today and Experience the Evidence-Based Treatment at Northbound
Northbound offers co-occurring disorder therapy in Orange County, California. Out treatment options help clients be as successful as possible in their recovery efforts. Addiction impacts all aspects of a person’s life from their physical and mental health to their relationships and career. By incorporating multiple approaches to treatment and diverse therapies, clients build the strategies and resources they need to establish an effective recovery-supporting lifestyle that is sustainable long after completing treatment.
Patients are able to be more proactive when balancing their addiction recovery and mental health to reduce the risk of relapse and enhance their overall quality of life. Maximize your potential and experience all that Northbound has to offer by contacting us today.