If your drinking or drug use has become problematic and is taking a toll on your life, it may be time to consider rehab treatment for substance abuse and/or mental health issues.
It can be scary admitting that you have a problem and need help, but the fact that you have even opened this page shows great courage! No matter how dark it seems today, we promise there is hope. Recovery and change are always possible.
Northbound provides fully integrated treatment that meets you where you’re at. We will walk with you through the process and develop a plan of care that meets your unique needs. Whether you need detox and residential treatment, are ready for outpatient services, or could benefit from ongoing support to help you stay on track with your recovery, Northbound can help.
Northbound’s In Vivo® model empowers you to stay connected to real life while building the skills necessary for a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle of recovery. You will learn to live life on life’s terms and establish healthy patterns, practices, and routines that will allow you to transition seamlessly into the next chapter of your life after treatment. Whatever your personal needs and priorities, Northbound’s team of professionals are here to support you every step of the way.
We will provide individual and group therapy, life skills, and recovery-oriented education, ongoing dual diagnosis services as needed, and support in engaging in school, work, or even professional endeavors as a musician to ensure that you emerge from treatment fully prepared to tackle life as a thriving and sober individual. Whether you’re entering treatment for the first time or are recovering from a relapse, Northbound can provide the full transformational experience you’re looking for and teach you how to beat addiction in Orange County.
Am I Ready for Treatment?
Have you tried to cut back on your drinking in the past without much luck? Do you forego activities you enjoy due to prioritizing substance use? Are you tired of the way substance abuse makes you feel afterward? Has your use of substances caused issues in your life, such as with family members, friends, romantic partners, school, jobs, medical concerns, or the legal system? These are just a few of the signs that you may be ready for treatment. You don’t have to have all of the answers, you just have to be open to the possibility of change. If your life is far from what you thought it would be, treatment for substance abuse and mental health issues can help you get back on track. You still have time to turn your life around.
Our trained therapists, counselors, nurses, physicians, and specialty staff will support you along each step of the way as you work through the challenges you face and develop healthier routines and thought patterns. Taking that first step and admitting that you need help is a brave accomplishment. We will support you in continuing this courageous journey and will work with you on everything you need to reroute your life and achieve the flourishing recovery that you deserve.
Will My Family and Friends be able to Support Me through Addiction Treatment?
We understand that deciding to pursue treatment for your substance use and/or mental health disorder(s) can be a difficult decision to make, but it’s important that you know this is not something you will do alone. In addition to the support of our therapists, counselors and specialty staff, we support healthy engagement with friends and family who are motivating and supportive of your emerging recovery. To assist in creating connections that are as healthy and sustainable as possible, we offer an intensive Family Program.
This program allows you and your family to work through challenges that both the patient and their loved ones face during the addiction recovery process. We use a combination of group counseling, educational lectures, experiential activities, individualized therapy, and multi-family support groups that allow families to learn more about healthy communication, family recovery, codependency and more. It is important to understand that addiction is a family disease, and recovery is a family process. Our goal is to empower each member of the family system to do their own work and to engage in healthy practices that will give the entire system the greatest possible chance to heal.
Why Northbound Treatment Works
Our rehab treatment services work because we are dedicated to catering to your individual needs. We employ evidence-based therapies and modalities to help you overcome substance abuse and mental health issues. We believe in empowering you to create a lifestyle that will lead to a more fulfilling life of sobriety, and offer unique services to support you in this process including (but not limited to) our Collegebound, Careerbound®, and Music programs.
The Northbound team is here to support you in your recovery; call now to learn more about how to get started today.